Subversion Design

NOTE: This document is out of date. The last substantial update was in October 2002 (r3377). However, people often come here for the section on the directory bubble-up method, which is still accurate.

Table of Contents

  1. Goals — The goals of the Subversion project
    1. Rename/removal/resurrection support
    2. Text vs binary issues
    3. I18N/Multilingual support
    4. Branching and tagging
    5. Miscellaneous new behaviors
      1. Log messages
      2. Client side diff plug-ins
      3. Better merging
      4. Conflicts resolution
  2. Model — The versioning model used by Subversion
    1. Working Directories and Repositories
    2. Transactions and Revision Numbers
    3. How Working Directories Track the Repository
    4. Locking vs. Merging - Two Paradigms of Co-operative Developments
    5. Properties
    6. Merging and Ancestry
  3. Architecture — How Subversion's components work together
    1. Client Layer
    2. Network Layer
    3. Filesystem Layer
  4. Deltas — How to describe changes
    1. Text Deltas
    2. Property Deltas
    3. Tree Deltas
    4. Postfix Text Deltas
    5. Serializing Deltas via the "Editor" Interface
  5. Client — How the client works
    1. Working copies and the working copy library
      1. The layout of working copies
      2. The working copy management library
    2. The repository access library
    3. The client operation library
  6. Protocol — How the client and server communicate
    1. The HTTP/WebDAV/DeltaV based protocol
    2. The custom protocol
  7. Server — How the server works
    1. Filesystem
      1. Filesystem Overview
      2. API
      3. Repository Structure
        1. Schema
        2. Bubble-Up Method
        3. Diffy Storage
      4. Implementation
    2. Repository Library
  8. License — Copyright

Goals — The goals of the Subversion project

The goal of the Subversion project is to write a version control system that takes over CVS's current and future user base (If you're not familiar with CVS or its shortcomings, then skip to Model — The versioning model used by Subversion) . The first release has all the major features of CVS, plus certain new features that CVS users often wish they had. In general, Subversion works like CVS, except where there's a compelling reason to be different.

So what does Subversion have that CVS doesn't?

Some of these advantages are clear and require no further discussion. Others are not so obvious, and are explained in greater detail below.

Rename/removal/resurrection support

Full rename support means you can trace through ancestry by name or by entity. For example, if you say "Give me revision 12 of foo.c", do you mean revision 12 of the file whose name is now foo.c (but perhaps it was named bar.c back at revision 12), or the file whose name was foo.c in revision 12 (perhaps that file no longer exists, or has a different name now)? In Subversion, both interpretations are available to the user.

(Note: we've not yet implemented this, but it wouldn't be too hard. People are advocating switches to 'svn log' that cause history to be traced backwards either by entity or by path.)

Text vs binary issues

Historically, binary files have been problematic in CVS for two unrelated reasons: keyword expansion, and line-end conversion.

  • Keyword expansion is when CVS expands "$Revision$" into "$Revision: 1.1 $", for example. There are a number of keywords in CVS: "$Author: sussman $", "$Date: 2001/06/04 22:00:52 $", and so on.

  • Line-end conversion is when CVS gives plaintext files the appropriate line-ending conventions for the working copy's platform. For example, Unix working copies use LF, but Windows working copies use CRLF. (Like CVS, the Subversion repository stores text files in Unix LF format).

Both keyword substitution and line-end conversion are sensible only for plain text files. CVS only recognizes two file types anyway: plaintext and binary. And CVS assumes files are plain text unless you tell it otherwise.

Subversion recognizes the same two types. The question is, how does it determine a file's type? Experience with CVS suggests that assuming text unless told otherwise is a losing strategy – people frequently forget to mark images and other opaque formats as binary, then later they wonder why CVS mangled their data. So Subversion will not mangle data: when moving over the network, or when being stored in the repository, it treats all files as binary. In the working copy, a tweakable meta-data property indicates whether to treat the file as text or binary for purposes of whether or not to allow contextual merging during updates.

Users can turn line-end conversion on or off per file by tweaking meta-data. Files do not undergo keyword substitution by default, on the theory that if someone wants substitution and isn't getting it, they'll look in the manual; but if they are getting it and didn't want it, they might just be confused and not know what to do. Users can turn substitution on or off per file.

Both of these changes are done on the client side; the repository does not even know about them.

I18N/Multilingual support

Subversion is internationalized – commands, user messages, and errors can be customized to the appropriate human language at build-time (or run time, if that's not much harder).

File names and contents may be multilingual; Subversion does not assume an ASCII-only universe. For purposes of keyword expansion and line-end conversion, Subversion also understands the UTF-* encodings (but not necessarily all of them by the first release).

Branching and tagging

Subversion supports branching and tagging with one efficient operation: `clone'. To clone a tree is to copy it, to create another tree exactly like it (except that the new tree knows its ancestry relationship to the old one).

At the moment of creation, a clone requires only a small, constant amount of space in the repository – most of its storage is shared with the original tree. If you never commit anything on the clone, then it's just like a CVS tag. If you start committing on it, then it's a branch. Voila! This also implies CVS's "vendor branching" feature, since Subversion has real rename and directory support.

Miscellaneous new behaviors

Log messages

Subversion has a flexible log message policy (a small matter, but one dear to our hearts).

Log messages should be a matter of project policy, not version control software policy. If a user commits with no log message, then Subversion defaults to an empty message. (CVS tries to require log messages, but fails: we've all seen empty log messages in CVS, where the user committed with deliberately empty quotes. Let's stop the madness now.)

Client side diff plug-ins

Subversion supports client-side plug-in diff programs.

There is no need for Subversion to have every possible diff mechanism built in. It can invoke a user-specified client-side diff program on the two revisions of the file(s) locally.

(Note: This feature does not exist yet, but is planned for post-1.0.)

Better merging

Subversion remembers what has already been merged in and what hasn't, thereby avoiding the problem, familiar to CVS users, of spurious conflicts on repeated merges.

(Note: Parts of his feature (Merge Tracking) are implemented in Subversion 1.5; see the release notes.)

For details, see Merging and Ancestry.

Conflicts resolution

For text files, Subversion resolves conflicts similarly to CVS, by folding repository changes into the working files with conflict markers. But, for both text and binary files, Subversion also always puts the old and new pristine repository revisions into temporary files, and the pristine working copy revision in another temporary file.

Thus, for any conflict, the user has four files readily at hand:

  1. the original working copy file with local mods

  2. the older repository file

  3. the newest repository file

  4. the merged file, with conflict markers

and in a binary file conflict, the user has all but the last.

When the conflict has been resolved and the working copy is committed, Subversion automatically removes the temporary pristine files.

A more general solution would allow plug-in merge resolution tools on the client side; but this is not scheduled for the first release). Note that users can use their own merge tools anyway, since all the original files are available.

Model — The versioning model used by Subversion

This chapter explains the user's view of Subversion — what “objects” you interact with, how they behave, and how they relate to each other.

Working Directories and Repositories

Suppose you are using Subversion to manage a software project. There are two things you will interact with: your working directory, and the repository.

Your working directory is an ordinary directory tree, on your local system, containing your project's sources. You can edit these files and compile your program from them in the usual way. Your working directory is your own private work area: Subversion never changes the files in your working directory, or publishes the changes you make there, until you explicitly tell it to do so.

After you've made some changes to the files in your working directory, and verified that they work properly, Subversion provides commands to publish your changes to the other people working with you on your project. If they publish their own changes, Subversion provides commands to incorporate those changes into your working directory.

A working directory contains some extra files, created and maintained by Subversion, to help it carry out these commands. In particular, these files help Subversion recognize which files contain unpublished changes, and which files are out-of-date with respect to others' work.

While your working directory is for your use alone, the repository is the common public record you share with everyone else working on the project. To publish your changes, you use Subversion to put them in the repository. (What this means, exactly, we explain below.) Once your changes are in the repository, others can tell Subversion to incorporate your changes into their working directories. In a collaborative environment like this, each user will typically have their own working directory (or perhaps more than one), and all the working directories will be backed by a single repository, shared amongst all the users.

A Subversion repository holds a single directory tree, and records the history of changes to that tree. The repository retains enough information to recreate any prior state of the tree, compute the differences between any two prior trees, and report the relations between files in the tree — which files are derived from which other files.

A Subversion repository can hold the source code for several projects; usually, each project is a subdirectory in the tree. In this arrangement, a working directory will usually correspond to a particular subtree of the repository.

For example, suppose you have a repository laid out like this:


In other words, the repository's root directory has a single subdirectory named trunk, which itself contains two subdirectories: paint and write.

To get a working directory, you must check out some subtree of the repository. If you check out /trunk/write, you will get a working directory like this:


This working directory is a copy of the repository's /trunk/write directory, with one additional entry — .svn — which holds the extra information needed by Subversion, as mentioned above.

Suppose you make changes to search.c. Since the .svn directory remembers the file's modification date and original contents, Subversion can tell that you've changed the file. However, Subversion does not make your changes public until you explicitly tell it to.

To publish your changes, you can use Subversion's ‘commit’ command:

$ pwd
$ ls -a
.svn/   Makefile   document.c    search.c
$ svn commit search.c

Now your changes to search.c have been committed to the repository; if another user checks out a working copy of /trunk/write, they will see your text.

Suppose you have a collaborator, Felix, who checked out a working directory of /trunk/write at the same time you did. When you commit your change to search.c, Felix's working copy is left unchanged; Subversion only modifies working directories at the user's request.

To bring his working directory up to date, Felix can use the Subversion ‘update’ command. This will incorporate your changes into his working directory, as well as any others that have been committed since he checked it out.

$ pwd
$ ls -a
.svn/    Makefile    document.c    search.c
$ svn update
U search.c

The output from the ‘svn update’ command indicates that Subversion updated the contents of search.c. Note that Felix didn't need to specify which files to update; Subversion uses the information in the .svn directory, and further information in the repository, to decide which files need to be brought up to date.

We explain below what happens when both you and Felix make changes to the same file.

Transactions and Revision Numbers

A Subversion ‘commit’ operation can publish changes to any number of files and directories as a single atomic transaction. In your working directory, you can change files' contents, create, delete, rename and copy files and directories, and then commit the completed set of changes as a unit.

In the repository, each commit is treated as an atomic transaction: either all the commit's changes take place, or none of them take place. Subversion tries to retain this atomicity in the face of program crashes, system crashes, network problems, and other users' actions. We may call a commit a transaction when we want to emphasize its indivisible nature.

Each time the repository accepts a transaction, this creates a new state of the tree, called a revision. Each revision is assigned a unique natural number, one greater than the number of the previous revision. The initial revision of a freshly created repository is numbered zero, and consists of an empty root directory.

Since each transaction creates a new revision, with its own number, we can also use these numbers to refer to transactions; transaction n is the transaction which created revision n. There is no transaction numbered zero.

Unlike those of many other systems, Subversion's revision numbers apply to an entire tree, not individual files. Each revision number selects an entire tree.

It's important to note that working directories do not always correspond to any single revision in the repository; they may contain files from several different revisions. For example, suppose you check out a working directory from a repository whose most recent revision is 4:


At the moment, this working directory corresponds exactly to revision 4 in the repository. However, suppose you make a change to search.c, and commit that change. Assuming no other commits have taken place, your commit will create revision 5 of the repository, and your working directory will look like this:


Suppose that, at this point, Felix commits a change to document.c, creating revision 6. If you use ‘svn update’ to bring your working directory up to date, then it will look like this:


Felix's changes to document.c will appear in your working copy of that file, and your change will still be present in search.c. In this example, the text of Makefile is identical in revisions 4, 5, and 6, but Subversion will mark your working copy with revision 6 to indicate that it is still current. So, after you do a clean update at the root of your working directory, your working directory will generally correspond exactly to some revision in the repository.

How Working Directories Track the Repository

For each file in a working directory, Subversion records two essential pieces of information:

  • what revision of what repository file your working copy is based on (this is called the file's base revision), and

  • a timestamp recording when the local copy was last updated.

Given this information, by talking to the repository, Subversion can tell which of the following four states a file is in:

  • Unchanged, and current. The file is unchanged in the working directory, and no changes to that file have been committed to the repository since its base revision.

  • Locally changed, and current. The file has been changed in the working directory, and no changes to that file have been committed to the repository since its base revision. There are local changes that have not been committed to the repository.

  • Unchanged, and out-of-date. The file has not been changed in the working directory, but it has been changed in the repository. The file should eventually be updated, to make it current with the public revision.

  • Locally changed, and out-of-date. The file has been changed both in the working directory, and in the repository. The file should be updated; Subversion will attempt to merge the public changes with the local changes. If it can't complete the merge in a plausible way automatically, Subversion leaves it to the user to resolve the conflict.

Locking vs. Merging - Two Paradigms of Co-operative Developments

By default, Subversion prefers the “merging” method of handling simultaneous editing by multiple users. This means that Subversion does not prevent two users from making changes to the same file at the same time. For example, if both you and Felix have checked out working directories of /trunk/write, Subversion will allow both of you to change write/search.c in your working directories. Then, the following sequence of events will occur:

  • Suppose Felix tries to commit his changes to search.c first. His commit will succeed, and his text will appear in the latest revision in the repository.

  • When you attempt to commit your changes to search.c, Subversion will reject your commit, and tell you that you must update search.c before you can commit it.

  • When you update search.c, Subversion will try to merge Felix's changes from the repository with your local changes. By default, Subversion merges as if it were applying a patch: if your local changes do not overlap textually with Felix's, then all is well; otherwise, Subversion leaves it to you to resolve the overlapping changes. In either case, Subversion carefully preserves a copy of the original pre-merge text.

  • Once you have verified that Felix's changes and your changes have been merged correctly, you can commit the new revision of search.c, which now contains everyone's changes.

Some version control systems provide “locks”, which prevent others from changing a file once one person has begun working on it. In our experience, merging is preferable to locks, because:

  • changes usually do not conflict, so Subversion's behavior does the right thing by default, while locking can interfere with legitimate work;

  • locking can prevent conflicts within a file, but not conflicts between files (say, between a C header file and another file that includes it), so it doesn't really solve the problem; and finally,

  • people often forget that they are holding locks, resulting in unnecessary delays and friction.

Of course, some kinds of files with rigid formats, like images or executables, are simply not mergeable. To support this, Subversion allows users to customize its merging behavior on a per-file basis. Firstly, you can direct Subversion to refuse to merge changes to certain files, and simply present you with the two original texts to choose from. Secondly, in Subversion 1.2 and later, support for the “locking” method of working is also available, and individual files can be designated as requiring locking.

(In the future, you may be able to direct Subversion to merge using a tool which respects the semantics of specific complex file formats.)


Files generally have interesting attributes beyond their contents: mime-types, executable permissions, EOL styles, and so on. Subversion attempts to preserve these attributes, or at least record them, when doing so would be meaningful. However, different operating systems support very different sets of file attributes: Windows NT supports access control lists, while Linux provides only the simpler traditional Unix permission bits.

In order to interoperate well with clients on many different operating systems, Subversion supports property lists, a simple, general-purpose mechanism which clients can use to store arbitrary out-of-band information about files.

A property list is a set of name / value pairs. A property name is an arbitrary text string, expressed as a Unicode UTF-8 string, canonically decomposed and ordered. A property value is an arbitrary string of bytes. Property values may be of any size, but Subversion may not handle very large property values efficiently. No two properties in a given a property list may have the same name. Although the word `list' usually denotes an ordered sequence, there is no fixed order to the properties in a property list; the term `property list' is historical.

Each revision number, file, directory, and directory entry in the Subversion repository, has its own property list. Subversion puts these property lists to several uses:

  • Clients can use properties to store file attributes, as described above.

  • The Subversion server uses properties to hold attributes of its own, and allow clients to read and modify them. For example, someday a hypothetical ‘svn-acl’ property might hold an access control list which the Subversion server uses to regulate access to repository files.

  • Users can invent properties of their own, to store arbitrary information for use by scripts, build environments, and so on. Names of user properties should be URI's, to avoid conflicts between organizations.

Property lists are versioned, just like file contents. You can change properties in your working directory, but those changes are not visible in the repository until you commit your local changes. If you do commit a change to a property value, other users will see your change when they update their working directories.

Merging and Ancestry

[WARNING: this section was written in May 2000, at the very beginning of the Subversion project. This functionality probably will not exist in Subversion 1.0, but it's planned for post-1.0. The problem should be reasonably solvable by recording merge data in 'properties'.]

Subversion defines merges the same way CVS does: to merge means to take a set of previously committed changes and apply them, as a patch, to a working copy. This change can then be committed, like any other change. (In Subversion's case, the patch may include changes to directory trees, not just file contents.)

As defined thus far, merging is equivalent to hand-editing the working copy into the same state as would result from the patch application. In fact, in CVS there is no difference – it is equivalent to just editing the files, and there is no record of which ancestors these particular changes came from. Unfortunately, this leads to conflicts when users unintentionally merge the same changes again. (Experienced CVS users avoid this problem by using branch- and merge-point tags, but that involves a lot of unwieldy bookkeeping.)

In Subversion, merges are remembered by recording ancestry sets. A revision's ancestry set is the set of all changes "accounted for" in that revision. By maintaining ancestry sets, and consulting them when doing merges, Subversion can detect when it would apply the same patch twice, and spare users much bookkeeping. Ancestry sets are stored as properties.

In the examples below, bear in mind that revision numbers usually refer to changes, rather than the full contents of that revision. For example, "the change A:4" means "the delta that resulted in A:4", not "the full contents of A:4".

The simplest ancestor sets are associated with linear histories. For example, here's the history of a file A:

 _____        _____        _____        _____        _____
|     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
| A:1 |----->| A:2 |----->| A:3 |----->| A:4 |----->| A:5 |
|_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|

The ancestor set of A:5 is:

  { A:1, A:2, A:3, A:4, A:5 }

That is, it includes the change that brought A from nothing to A:1, the change from A:1 to A:2, and so on to A:5. From now on, ranges like this will be represented with a more compact notation:

  { A:1-5 }

Now assume there's a branch B based, or "rooted", at A:2. (This postulates an entirely different revision history, of course, and the global revision numbers in the diagrams will change to reflect it.) Here's what the project looks like with the branch:

 _____        _____        _____        _____        _____        _____
|     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
| A:1 |----->| A:2 |----->| A:4 |----->| A:6 |----->| A:8 |----->| A:9 |
|_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|
                  \  _____        _____        _____
                   \|     |      |     |      |     |
                    | B:3 |----->| B:5 |----->| B:7 |
                    |_____|      |_____|      |_____|

If we produce A:9 by merging the B branch back into the trunk

 _____        _____        _____        _____        _____        _____
|     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
| A:1 |----->| A:2 |----->| A:4 |----->| A:6 |----->| A:8 |---.->| A:9 |
|_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|  /   |_____|
                \                                            |
                 \                                           |
                  \  _____        _____        _____        /
                   \|     |      |     |      |     |      /
                    | B:3 |----->| B:5 |----->| B:7 |--->-'
                    |_____|      |_____|      |_____|

then what will A:9's ancestor set be?

  { A:1, A:2, A:4, A:6, A:8, A:9, B:3, B:5, B:7}

or more compactly:

  { A:1-9, B:3-7 }

(It's all right that each file's ranges seem to include non-changes; this is just a notational convenience, and you can think of the non-changes as either not being included, or being included but being null deltas as far as that file is concerned).

All changes along the B line are accounted for (changes B:3-7), and so are all changes along the A line, including both the merge and any non-merge-related edits made before the commit.

Although this merge happened to include all the branch changes, that needn't be the case. For example, the next time we merge the B line

 _____     _____     _____     _____     _____      _____      _____
|     |   |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |    |     |    |     |
| A:1 |-->| A:2 |-->| A:4 |-->| A:6 |-->| A:8 |-.->| A:9 |-.->|A:11 |
|_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____| |  |_____| |  |_____|
             \                                  /          |
              \                                /           |
               \  _____     _____     _____   / _____      |
                \|     |   |     |   |     | / |     |    /
                 | B:3 |-->| B:5 |-->| B:7 |-->|B:10 |->-'
                 |_____|   |_____|   |_____|   |_____|

Subversion will know that A's ancestry set already contains B:3-7, so only the difference between B:7 and B:10 will be applied. A's new ancestry will be

  { A:1-11, B:3-10 }

But why limit ourselves to contiguous ranges? An ancestry set is truly a set – it can be any subset of the changes available:

 _____        _____        _____        _____        _____        _____
|     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
| A:1 |----->| A:2 |----->| A:4 |----->| A:6 |----->| A:8 |--.-->|A:10 |
|_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____| /    |_____|
                |                                          /
                |                ______________________.__/
                |               /                      |
                |              /                       |
                \           __/_                      _|__
                 \         {    }                    {    }
                  \  _____        _____        _____        _____
                   \|     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
                    | B:3 |----->| B:5 |----->| B:7 |----->| B:9 |----->
                    |_____|      |_____|      |_____|      |_____|

In this diagram, the change from B:3-5 and the change from B:7-9 are merged into a working copy whose ancestry set (so far) is { A:1-8 } plus any local changes. After committing, A:10's ancestry set is

  { A:1-10, B:5, B:9 }

Clearly, saying "Let's merge branch B into A" is a little ambiguous. It usually means "Merge all the changes accounted for in B's tip into A", but it might mean "Merge the single change that resulted in B's tip into A".

Any merge, when viewed in detail, is an application of a particular set of changes – not necessarily adjacent ones – to a working copy. The user-level interface may allow some of these changes to be specified implicitly. For example, many merges involve a single, contiguous range of changes, with one or both ends of the range easily deducible from context (i.e., branch root to branch tip). These inference rules are not specified here, but it should be clear in most contexts how they work.

Because each node knows its ancestors, Subversion never merges the same change twice (unless you force it to). For example, if after the above merge, you tell Subversion to merge all B changes into A, Subversion will notice that two of them have already been merged, and so merge only the other two changes, resulting in a final ancestry set of:

  { A:1-10, B:3-9 }

This description of merging and ancestry applies to both intra- and inter-repository merges. However, inter-repository merging will probably not be implemented until a future release of Subversion.

Architecture — How Subversion's components work together

Subversion is conceptually divided into a number of separable layers.

Assuming that the programmatic interface of each layer is well-defined, it is easy to customize the different parts of the system. Contributors can write new client apps, new network protocols, new server processes, new server features, and new storage back-ends.

The following diagram illustrates the "layered" architecture, and where each particular interface lies.

                    | commandline or GUI |
                    |    client app      |
         +----------+--------------------+----------+ <=== Client interface
         |              Client Library              |
         |                                          |
         |        +----+                            |
         |        |    |                            |
 +-------+--------+    +--------------+--+----------+ <=== Network interface
 | Working Copy   |    |    Remote    |  | Local    |
 | Management lib |    | Repos Access |  | Repos    |
 +----------------+    +--------------+  | Access   |
                       |     neon     |  |          |
                       +--------------+  |          |
                          ^              |          |
                         /               |          |
                   DAV  /                |          |
                       /                 |          |
                      v                  |          |
              +---------+                |          |
              |         |                |          |
              | Apache  |                |          |
              |         |                |          |
              +---------+                |          |
              | mod_DAV |                |          |
            +-------------+              |          |
            | mod_DAV_SVN |              |          |
 +----------+-------------+--------------+----------+ <=== Filesystem interface
 |                                                  |
 |               Subversion Filesystem              |
 |                                                  |

Client Layer

The Subversion client, which may be either command-line or GUI, draws on three libraries.

The working copy library, libsvn_wc, provides an API for managing the client's working copy of a project. This includes operations like renaming or removal of files, patching files, extracting local diffs, and routines for maintaining administrative files in the .svn/ directory.

The repository_access library, libsvn_ra, provides an API for exchanging information with a Subversion repository. This includes the ability to read files, write new revisions of files, and ask the repository to compare a working copy against its latest revision. Note that there are two implementations of this interface: one designed to talk to a repository over a network, and one designed to work with a repository on local disk. Any number of interface implementations can exist.

The client library, libsvn_client provides general client functions such as update() and commit(), which may involve one or both of the other two client libraries. libsvn_client should, in theory, provide an API that allows anyone to write a Subversion client application.

For details, see Client — How the client works.

Network Layer

The network layer's job is to move the repository API requests over a wire.

On the client side, a network library (libneon) translates these requests into a set of HTTP WebDAV/DeltaV requests. The information is sent over TCP/IP to an Apache server. Apache is used for the following reasons:

  • it is time-tested and extremely stable;

  • it has built-in load-balancing;

  • it has built-in proxy and firewall support;

  • it has authentication and encryption features;

  • it allows client-side caching;

  • it has an extensible module system

Our rationale is that any attempt to write a dedicated "Subversion server" (with a "Subversion protocol") would inevitably end up evolving towards Apache's already-existing feature set. (However, Subversion's layered architecture certainly doesn't prevent anyone from writing a totally new network access implementation.)

An Apache module (mod_dav_svn) translates the DAV requests into API calls against a particular repository.

For details, see Protocol — How the client and server communicate.

Filesystem Layer

When the requests reach a particular repository, they are interpreted by the Subversion Filesystem library, libsvn_fs. The Subversion Filesystem is a custom Unix-like filesystem, with a twist: writes are revisioned and atomic, and no data is ever deleted! This filesystem is currently implemented on top of a normal filesystem, using Berkeley DB files.

For a more detailed explanation: see Server — How the server works.

Deltas — How to describe changes

Subversion uses three kinds of deltas:

The term delta without qualification generally means a tree delta, unless some other meaning is clear from context.

In the examples below, deltas will be described in XML, which happens to be Subversion's (now mostly defunct) import/export patch format. However, note that deltas are an abstract data structure, of which the XML format is merely one representation. Later, we will describe other representations: for example, there is a serialized representation (useful for streaming protocols, among other things), and a db-style representation, used for repository storage. The various representations of a given delta are (in theory, anyway) perfectly isomorphic to one another, since they describe the same underlying structure.

Text Deltas

A text delta describes the difference between two strings of bytes, the source string and the target string. Given a source string and a target string, we can compute a text delta; given a source string and a delta, we can reconstruct the target string. However, note that deltas are not invertible: you cannot always reconstruct the source string given the target string and delta.

The standard Unix “diff” format is one possible representation for text deltas; however, diffs are not ideal for internal use by a revision control system, for several reasons:

  • Diffs are line-oriented, which makes them human-readable, but sometimes makes them perform poorly on binary files.

  • Diffs represent a series of replacements, exchanging selected ranges ofthe old text with new text; again, this is easy for humans to read, butit is more expensive to compute and less compact than some alternatives.

Instead, Subversion uses the VDelta binary-diffing algorithm, as described in Hunt, J. J., Vo, K.-P., and Tichy, W. F. An empirical study of delta algorithms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1167 (July 1996), 49-66. Currently, the output of this algorithm is stored in a custom data format called svndiff, invented by Greg Hudson <>, a Subversion developer.

The concrete form of a text delta is a well-formed XML element, having the following form:


Here, data is the raw svndiff data, encoded in the MIME Base64 format.

Property Deltas

A property delta describes changes to a property list, of the sort associated with files, directories, and directory entries, and revision numbers (see Properties). A property delta can record creating, deleting, and changing the text of any number of properties.

A property delta is an unordered set of name/change pairs. No two pairs within a given property delta have the same name. A pair's name indicates the property affected, and the change indicates what happens to its value. There are two kinds of changes:

set value

Change the value of the named property to the byte string value. If there is no property with the given name, one is added to the property list.


Remove the named property from the property list.

At the moment, the set command can either create or change a property value. However, this simplification means that the server cannot distinguish between a client which believes it is creating a value afresh, and a client which believes it is changing the value of an existing property. It may simplify conflict detection to divide set into two separate add and change operations.

In the future, we may add a text-delta change, which specifies a change to an existing property's value as a text delta. This would give us a compact way to describe small changes to large property values.

The concrete form of a property delta is a well-formed XML element, having the following form:


Each change in a property delta has one of the following forms:

<set name='name'>value</set>
<delete name='name'/>

The name attribute of a set or delete element gives the name of the property to change. The value of a set element gives the new value of the property.

If either the property name or the property value contains the characters ‘&’, ‘<’, or ‘'’, they should be replaced with the sequences ‘&#38’, ‘&#60’, or ‘&#39’, respectively.

Tree Deltas

A tree delta describes changes between two directory trees, the source tree and the target tree. Tree deltas can describe copies, renames, and deletions of files and directories, changes to file contents, and changes to property lists. A tree delta can also carry information about how the files in the target tree are derived from the files in the source tree, if this information is available.

The format for tree deltas described here is easy to compute from a Subversion working directory, and easy to apply to a Subversion repository. Furthermore, the size of a tree delta in this format is independent of the commands used to produce the target tree — it depends only on the degree of difference between the source and target trees.

A tree delta is interpreted in the context of three parameters:

  • source-root, the name of the directory to which this complete tree delta applies,

  • revision, indicating a particular revision of …

  • source-dir, which is a directory in the source tree that we are currently modifying to yield …

  • target-dir — the directory we're constructing.

When we start interpreting a tree delta, source-root, source-dir, and target-dir are all equal. As we walk the tree delta, target-dir walks the tree we are constructing, and source-dir walks the corresponding portion of the source tree, which we use as the original. Source-root remains constant as we walk the delta; we may use it to choose new source trees.

A tree delta is a list of changes of the form


which describe how to edit the contents of source-dir to yield target-dir. There are three kinds of changes:

<delete name='name'/>

Source-dir has an entry named name, which is not present in target-dir.

<add name='name'>content</add>

target-dir has an entry named name, which is not present in source-dir; content describes the file or directory to which the new directory entry refers.

<open name='name'>content</open>

Both source-dir and target-dir have an entry named name, which has changed; content describes the new file or directory.

Any entries in source-dir whose names aren't mentioned are assumed to appear unchanged in target-dir. Thus, an empty tree-delta element indicates that target-dir is identical to source-dir.

In the change descriptions above, each content takes one of the following forms:

<file ancestor>prop-delta text-delta</file>

The given target-dir entry refers to a file, f. Ancestor indicates which file in the source tree f is derived from, if any.

Prop-delta is a property delta describing how f's properties differ from that ancestor; it may be omitted, indicating that the properties are unchanged.

Text-delta is a text delta describing how to construct f from that ancestor; it may also be omitted, indicating that f's text is identical to its ancestor's.

<file ancestor/>

An abbreviation for <file ancestor></file> — a fileelement with no property or text delta, thus describing a file identicalto its ancestor.

<directory ancestor>prop-delta tree-delta</directory>

The given target-dir entry refers to a subdirectory, sub. Ancestor indicates which directory in the source tree sub is derived from, if any.

Prop-delta is a property delta describing how sub'sproperties differ from that ancestor; it may be omitted, indicating thatthe properties are unchanged.

Tree-delta describes how to construct sub from that ancestor; it may be omitted, indicating that the directory is identical to its ancestor. Tree-delta should be interpreted with a new target-dir of target-dir/name.

Since tree-delta is itself a complete tree delta structure, tree deltas are themselves trees, whose structure is a subgraph of the target tree.

<directory ancestor/>

An abbreviation for <directory ancestor></directory> — a directory element with no property or tree delta, thus describing a directory identical to its ancestor.

The content of a add or open tag may also contain a property delta, describing changes to the properties of that directory entry.

In the file and directory elements described above, each ancestor has one of the following forms:


The ancestor of the new or changed file or directory is source-root/path, in revision. When this appears as an attribute of a file element, the element's text delta should be applied to source-root/path. When this appears as an attribute of a directory element, source-root/path should be the new source-dir for interpreting that element's tree delta.


This indicates that the file or directory has no ancestor in the source tree. When followed by a text-delta, that delta should be applied to the empty file to yield the new text; when followed by a tree-delta, that delta should be evaluated as if source-dir were an imaginary empty directory.


If neither an ancestor nor a new attribute is given, this is an abbreviation for ancestor='source-dir/name', with the same revision number. This makes the common case — files or directories modified in place — more compact.

If the ancestor spec is not new='true', it may also contain the text revision='rev', indicating a new value for revision, in which we should find the ancestor.

If a filename or path appearing as a name or path in the description above contains the characters ‘&’, ‘<’, or ‘'’, they should be replaced with the sequences ‘&#38;’, ‘&#60;’, or ‘&#39;’, respectively.

Suppose we have the following source tree:


If we edit the contents of /dir1/file1, we can describe the effect on the tree with the following tree delta, to be applied to the root:

  <open name='dir1'>
        <open name='file1'>

The outer tree-delta element describes the changes made to the root directory. Within the root directory, there are changes in dir1, described by the nested tree-delta. Within /dir1, there are changes in file1, described by the text-delta.

If we had edited both /dir1/file1 and /dir1/file2, then there would simply be two open elements in the inner tree-delta.

As another example, starting from the same source tree, suppose we rename /dir1/file1 to /dir1/file8:

  <open name='dir1'>
        <delete name='file1'/>
        <add name='file8'>
          <file ancestor='/dir1/file1'/>

As above, the inner tdelta describes how /dir1 has changed: the entry for /dir1/file1 has disappeared, but there is a new entry, /dir1/file8, which is derived from and textually identical to /dir1/file1 in the source directory. This is just an indirect way of describing the rename.

Why is it necessary to be so indirect? Consider the delta representing the result of:

  1. renaming /dir1/file1 to /dir1/tmp,

  2. renaming /dir1/file2 to /dir1/file1, and

  3. renaming /dir1/tmp to /dir1/file2

(in other words, exchanging file1 and file2):

  <open name='dir1'>
        <open name='file1'>
          <file ancestor='/dir1/file2'/>
        <open name='file2'>
          <file ancestor='/dir1/file1'/>

The indirectness allows the tree delta to capture an arbitrary rearrangement without resorting to temporary filenames.

Another example, starting from the same source tree:

  1. rename /dir1/dir2 to /dir1/dir4,

  2. rename /dir1/dir3 to /dir1/dir2, and

  3. move file3 from /dir1/dir4 to /dir1/dir2.

Note that file3's path has remained the same, even though the directories around it have changed. Here is the tree delta:

  <open name='dir1'>
        <open name='dir2'>
          <directory ancestor='/dir1/dir3'>
              <add name='file3'>
                <file ancestor='/dir1/dir2/file3'/>
        <delete name='dir3'/>
        <add name='dir4'>
          <directory ancestor='/dir1/dir2'>
              <delete name='file3'/>

In other words:

  • /dir1 has changed;

  • the new directory /dir1/dir2 is derived from the old /dir1/dir3, and contains a new entry file3, derived from the old /dir1/dir2/file3;

  • there is no longer any /dir1/dir3; and

  • the new directory /dir1/dir4 is derived from the old /dir1/dir2, except that its entry for file3 is now gone.

Some more possible maneuvers, left as exercises for the reader:

  • Delete dir2, and then create a file named dir2.

  • Rename /dir1/dir2 to /dir1/dir4; move file2 into /dir1/dir4; and move file3 into /dir1/dir3.

  • Move dir2 into dir3, and move dir3 into /.

Postfix Text Deltas

It is sometimes useful to represent a set of changes to a tree without providing text deltas in the middle of the stream. Text deltas are often large and expensive to compute, and tree deltas can be useful without them. For example, one can detect whether two changes might conflict — whether they change the same file, for example — without knowing exactly how the conflicting files changed.

For this reason, our XML representation of a tree delta allows the text deltas to come after the </tree-delta> closure. This allows the client to receive early notice of conflicts: during a svn commit command, the client sends a tree-delta to the server, which can check for skeletal conflicts and reject the commit, before the client takes the time to transmit the (possibly large) textual changes. This potentially saves quite a bit of network traffic.

In terms of XML, postfix text deltas are split into two parts. The first part appears "in-line" and contains a reference ID. The second part appears after the tree delta is complete. Here's an example:

   <open name="foo.c">
        <text-delta-ref id="123">
   <add name="bar.c">
        <text-delta-ref id="456">
 <text-delta id="123">data</text-delta>
 <text-delta id="456">data</text-delta>

Serializing Deltas via the "Editor" Interface

The static XML forms above are useful as an import/export format, and as a visualization aid, but we also need a way to express a delta as a series of operations, to implement directory tree diffing and patching. Subversion defines a standard set of such operations in the vtable svn_delta_edit_fns_t, a set of function prototypes which anyone may implement (see svn_delta.h).

Each function in an instance of svn_delta_editor_t (colloquially known as an editor) implements some distinct subtask of editing a directory tree. In fact, if you compare the editor function prototypes to the XML elements described previously, you'll notice a fairly strict correspondence: there's one function for replacing a directory, another function for replacing a file, one for adding a directory, another for adding a file, a function for deleting, and so on.

Although the editor interface was designed around the general idea of making changes to a directory tree, a specific implementation's behavior depends on its role. For example, the versioning filesystem library offers an editor that creates new revisions, while the working copy library offers an editor that updates working copies. And the network layer offers an editor that turns editing calls into wire protocol, which is then converted back into editing calls on the other side! All of these different tasks can share a single interface, because they are all fundamentally about the same thing: expressing and applying differences between directory trees.

Like the XML forms, a series of editor calls must follow certain nesting conventions; these conventions are implicit in the interface, in that some of the functions take arguments that can only be obtained from previous calls to other editor functions.

Editors can best be understood by watching one work on a real directory tree. For example:

Suppose that the user has made a number of local changes to her working copy and wants to commit them to the repository. Let's represent her changes with the same tree-delta from a previous example. Notice that she has also made textual modifications to file3; hence the in-line <text-delta>:

  <open name='dir1'>
        <open name='dir2'>
          <directory ancestor='/dir1/dir3'>
              <add name='file3'>
                <file ancestor='/dir1/dir2/file3'>
        <delete name='dir3'/>
        <add name='dir4'>
          <directory ancestor='/dir1/dir2'>
              <delete name='file3'/>

So how does the client send this information to the server?

In a nutshell: the tree-delta is streamed over the network, as a series of individual commands given in depth-first order.

Let's be more specific. The server presents the client with an object of type struct svn_delta_edit_fns_t, colloquially known as an editor. An editor is really just table of functions; each function makes a change to a filesystem. Agent A (who has a private filesystem) presents an editor to agent B. Agent B then calls the editor's functions to change A's filesystem. B is said to be driving the editor.

As Karl Fogel likes to describe the process, if one thinks of the tree-delta as a lion, the editor is a "hoop" that the lion jumps through – each portion of the lion being decomposed through time.

B cannot call the functions in any willy-nilly order; there are some logical restrictions. In particular, as B drives the editor, it receives opaque data structures which represent directories and files. It must use and pass these structures, known as batons, to make further function calls.

As an example, let's watch how the client would transmit the above tree-delta to the repository. (The description below is slightly simplified. For exact interface details, see subversion/include/svn_delta.h.)

[Note: in the examples below, and throughout Subversion's code base, you'll see references to 'baton' objects. This is simply a project convention, a name given to structures that define contexts for functions. Many APIs call these structures 'userdata'. In Subversion, we like the term 'baton', because it reminds us of one function “handing off” context to another function.]

  1. The repository hands an "editor" to the client.

  2. The client begins by calling root_baton = editor->open_root(); The client now has an opaque object, root_baton, which represents the root of the repository's filesystem.

  3. dir1_baton = editor->open_dir("dir1", root_baton); Notice that root_baton gives the client free license to make any changes it wants in the repository's root directory – until, of course, it calls editor->close_dir(root_baton). The first change made was a replacement of dir1. In return, the client now has a new opaque data structure that can be used to change dir1.

  4. dir2_baton = editor->open_dir("dir2", "/dir1/dir3", dir1_baton); The dir1_baton is now used to open dir2 with a directory whose ancestor is /dir1/dir3.

  5. file_baton = editor->add_file("file3", "/dir1/dir2/file3", dir2_baton); Edits are now made to dir2 (using dir2_baton). In particular, a new file is added to this directory whose ancestor is /dir1/dir2/file3.

  6. Now the text-delta associated with file_baton needs to be transmitted: window_handler = editor->apply_textdelta(file_baton); Text-deltas themselves, for network efficiency, are streamed in "chunks". So instead of receiving a baton object, we now have a routine that is able to receive any number of small "windows" of text-delta data.We won't go into the details of the svn_txdelta_* functions right here; but suffice it to say that these routines are used for sending svndiff data to the window_handler routine.

  7. editor->close_file(file_baton); The client is done sending the file's text-delta, so it releases the file baton.

  8. editor->close_dir(dir2_baton)); The client is done making changes to dir2, so it releases its baton as well.

  9. The client isn't yet finished with dir1, however; it makes two more edits: editor->delete_item("dir3", dir1_baton); dir4_baton = editor->add_dir("dir4", "/dir1/dir2", dir1_baton); (The function's name is delete_item rather than delete to avoid gratuitous incompatibility with C++, where delete is a reserved keyword.)

  10. Within the directory dir4 (whose ancestry is /dir1/dir2), the client removes a file: editor->delete_item("file3", dir4_baton);

  11. The client is now finished with both dir4, as well as its parent dir1: editor->close_dir(dir4_baton); editor->close_dir(dir1_baton);

  12. The entire tree-delta is complete. The repository knows this when the root directory is closed: editor->close_dir(root_baton);

Of course, at any point above, the repository may reject an edit. If this is the case, the client aborts the transmission and the repository hasn't changed a bit. (Thank goodness for transactions!)

Note, however, that this "editor interface" works in the other direction as well. When the repository wishes to update a client's working copy, it is the client's reponsibility to give a custom editor-object to the server, and the server is the editor-driver.

Here are the main advantages of this interface:

  • Consistency. Tree-deltas move across the network, in both directions, using the same interface.

  • Flexibility. Custom editor-implementations can be written to do anything one might want; the editor-driver has no idea what is happening on the other side of the interface. For example, an editor might

    • Output XML that matches the tree-delta DTD above;

    • Output human-readable descriptions of the edits taking place;

    • Modify a filesystem

Whatever the case, it's easy to "swap" editors around, and make client and server do new and interesting things.

Client — How the client works

The Subversion client is built on three libraries. One operates strictly on the working copy and does not talk to the repository. Another talks to the repository but never changes the working copy. The third library uses the first two to provide operations such as commit and update – operations which need to both talk to the repository and change the working copy.

The initial client is a Unix-style command-line tool (like standard CVS), but it should be easy to write a GUI client as well, based on the same libraries. The libraries capture the core Subversion functionality, segregating it from user interface concerns.

This chapter describes the libraries, and the physical layout of working copies.

Working copies and the working copy library

Working copies are client-side directory trees containing both versioned data and Subversion administrative files. The functions in the working copy management library are the only functions in Subversion which operate on these trees.

The layout of working copies

This section gives an overview of how working copies are arranged physically, but is not a full specification of working copy layout.

As with CVS, Subversion working copies are simply directory trees with special administrative subdirectories, in this case named ".svn" instead of "CVS":

                             / | \
               _____________/  |  \______________
              /                |                 \
           .svn               src                doc
        ___/ | \___           /|\             ___/ \___
       |     |     |         / | \           |         |
      base  ...   ...       /  |  \     myproj.texi  .svn
                           /   |   \              ___/ | \___
                      ____/    |    \____        |     |     |
                     |         |         |      base  ...   ...
                   .svn      foo.c     bar.c     |
                ___/ | \___                      |
               |     |     |                     |
             base   ...   ...               myproj.texi
          ___/ \___
         |         |
       foo.c     bar.c

Each dir/.svn/ directory records the files in dir, their revision numbers and property lists, pristine revisions of all the files (for client-side delta generation), the repository from which dir came, and any local changes (such as uncommitted adds, deletes, and renames) that affect dir.

Although it would often be possible to deduce certain information (such as the original repository) by examining parent directories, this is avoided in favor of making each directory be as much a self-contained unit as possible.

For example, immediately after a checkout the administrative information for the entire working tree could be stored in one top-level file. But subdirectories instead keep track of their own revision information. This would be necessary anyway once the user starts committing new revisions for particular files, and it also makes it easier for the user to prune a big, complete tree into a small subtree and still have a valid working copy.

The .svn subdir contains:

  • A format file, which indicates which version of the working copy adm format this is (so future clients can be backwards compatible easily).

  • A text-base directory, containing the pristine repository revisions of the files in the corresponding working directory

  • An entries file, which holds revision numbers and other information for this directory and its files, and records the presence of subdirs. It also contains the repository URLs that each file and directory came from. It may help to think of this file as the functional equivalent of the CVS/Entries file.

  • A props directory, containing property names and values for each file in the working directory.

  • A prop-base directory, containing pristine property names and values for each file in the working directory.

  • A dir-props file, recording properties for this directory.

  • A dir-prop-base file, recording pristine properties for this directory.

  • A lock file, whose presence implies that some client is currently operating on the administrative area.

  • A tmp directory, for holding scratch-work and helping make working copy operations more crash-proof.

  • A log file. If present, indicates a list of actions that need to be taken to complete a working-copy-operation that is still "in progress".

You can read much more about these files in the file subversion/libsvn_wc/README.

The working copy management library

  • Requires:

    • a working copy

  • Provides:

    • ability to manipulate the working copy's versioned data

    • ability to manipulate the working copy's administrative files

This library performs "offline" operations on the working copy, and lives in subversion/libsvn_wc/.

The API for libsvn_wc is always evolving; please read the header file for a detailed description: subversion/include/svn_wc.h.

The repository access library

  • Requires:

    • network access to a Subversion server

  • Provides:

    • the ability to interact with a repository

This library performs operations involving communication with the repository.

The interface defined in subversion/include/svn_ra.h provides a uniform interface to both local and remote repository access.

Specifically, libsvn_ra_dav will provide this interface and speak to repositories using DAV requests. At some future point, another library libsvn_ra_local will provide the same interface – but will link directly to the filesystem library for accessing local disk repositories.

The client operation library

  • Requires:

    • the working copy management library

    • a repository access library

  • Provides:

    • all client-side Subversion commands

These functions correspond to user-level client commands. In theory, any client interface (command-line, GUI, emacs, Python, etc.) should be able to link to libsvn_client and have the ability to act as a full-featured Subversion client.

Again, the detailed API can be found in subversion/include/svn_client.h.

Protocol — How the client and server communicate

The wire protocol is the connection between the servers, and the client-side Repository Access (RA) API, provided by libsvn_ra. Note that libsvn_ra is in fact only a plugin manager, which delegates the actual task of communicating with a server to one of a selection of back-end modules (the libsvn_ra_* libraries). Therefore, there is not just one Subversion protocol - in fact, at present, there are two:

The HTTP/WebDAV/DeltaV based protocol

The Subversion client library libsvn_ra_dav uses the Neon library to generate WebDAV DeltaV requests and sends them to a "Subversion-aware" Apache server.

This Apache server is running mod_dav and mod_dav_svn, which translates the requests into Subversion filesystem calls.

For more info, see Network Layer.

For a detailed description of exactly how Greg Stein is mapping the WebDAV DeltaV spec to Subversion, see his paper:

For more information on WebDAV and the DeltaV extensions, see and

For more information on Neon, see

The custom protocol

The client library libsvn_ra_svn and standalone server program svnserve implement a custom protocol over TCP. This protocol is documented at

Server — How the server works

The term “server” is ambiguous, because it has at least two different meanings: it can refer to a powerful computer which offers services to users on a network, or it can refer to a CPU process designed to receive network requests.

In Subversion, however, the server is just a set of libraries that implements repositories and makes them available to other programs. No networking is required.

There are two main libraries: the Subversion Filesystem library, and the Subversion Repository library.


Filesystem Overview

  • Requires:

    • some writable disk space

    • (for now) Berkeley DB library

  • Provides:

    • a repository for storing files

    • concurrent client transactions

    • enforcement of user & group permissions [someday, not yet]

This library implements a hierarchical filesystem which supports atomic changes to directory trees, and records a complete history of the changes. In addition to recording changes to file and directory contents, the Subversion Filesystem records changes to file meta-data (see discussion of properties in Model — The versioning model used by Subversion).


There are two main files that describe the Subversion filesystem.

First, read the section below (Repository Structure) for a general overview of how the filesystem works.

Once you've done this, read Jim Blandy's own structural overview, which explains how nodes and revisions are organized (among other things) in the filesystem implementation: subversion/libsvn_fs/structure.

Finally, read the well-documented API in subversion/include/svn_fs.h.

Repository Structure


To begin, please be sure that you're already casually familiar with Subversion's ideas of files, directories, and revision histories. If not, see Model — The versioning model used by Subversion. We can now offer precise, technical descriptions of the terms introduced there.

A text string is a string of Unicode characters which is
canonically decomposed and ordered, according to the rules described in the
Unicode standard.

A string of bytes is what you'd expect.

A property list is an unordered list of properties.  A
property is a pair
  value), where
name is a text string, and
value is a string of bytes.  No two properties in a
property list have the same name.

A file is a property list and a string of bytes.

A node is either a file or a directory.  (We define a
directory below.)  Nodes are distinguished unions — you can always tell
whether a node is a file or a directory.

A node table is an array mapping some set of positive
integers, called node numbers, onto
nodes.  If a node table maps some number
i to some node n, then
i is a valid node number in
that table, and node iis
n.  Otherwise, i is an
invalid node number in that table.

A directory entry is a triple
(name, props,
  node), where
name is a text string,
props is a property list, and
node is a node number.

A directory is an unordered list of directory entries,
and a property list.

A revision is a node number and a property list.

A history is an array of revisions, indexed by a
contiguous range of non-negative integers containing 0.

A repository consists of node table and a history.

Now that we've explained the form of the data, we make some restrictions on that form.

Every revision has a root directory. Every revision's node number is a valid node number, and the node it refers to is always a directory. We call this the revision's root directory.

Revision 0 always contains an empty root directory. This baseline makes it easy to check out whole projects from the repository.

Directories contain only valid links. Every directory entry's node is a valid node number.

Directory entries can be identified by name. For any directory d, every directory entry in d has a distinct name.

There are no cycles of directories. No node is its own child.

Directories can have more than one parent. The Unix file system does not allow more than one hard link to a directory, but Subversion does allow the analogous situation. Thus, the directories in a Subversion repository form a directed acyclic graph (DAG), not a tree. However, it would be distracting and unhelpful to replace the familiar term “directory tree” with the unfamiliar term “directory DAG”, so we still call it a “directory tree” here.

There are no dead nodes. Every node is a child of some revision's root directory.

Bubble-Up Method

This section provides a conversational explanation of how the repository actually stores and revisions file trees. It's not critical knowledge for a programmer using the Subversion Filesystem API, but most people probably still want to know what's going on “under the hood” of the repository.

Suppose we have a new project, at revision 1, looking like this (using CVS syntax):

prompt$ svn checkout myproj
U myproj/
U myproj/B
U myproj/A
U myproj/A/fish
U myproj/A/fish/tuna

Only the file tuna is a regular file, everything else in myproj is a directory.

Let's see what this looks like as an abstract data structure in the repository, and how that structure works in various operations (such as update, commit, and branch).

In the diagrams that follow, lines represent parent-to-child connections in a directory hierarchy. Boxes are "nodes". A node is either a file or a directory – a letter in the upper left indicates which kind. A file node has a byte-string for its content, whereas directory nodes have a list of dir_entries, each pointing to another node.

Parent-child links go both ways (i.e., a child knows who all its parents are), but a node's name is stored only in its parent, because a node with multiple parents may have different names in different parents.

At the top of the repository is an array of revision numbers, stretching off to infinity. Since the project is at revision 1, only index 1 points to anything; it points to the root node of revision 1 of the project:

                    ( myproj's revision array )
      |D        |
      |         |
      |   A     |      /* Two dir_entries, `A' and `B'. */
      |    \    |
      |   B \   |
        /     \
       |       \
       |        \
    ___|___   ___\____
   |D      | |D       |
   |       | |        |
   |       | | fish   |   /* One dir_entry, `fish'. */
   |_______| |___\____|
                |D       |
                |        |
                | tuna   |  /* One dir_entry, `tuna'. */
                   |F       |
                   |        |
                   |        |   /* (Contents of tuna not shown.) */

What happens when we modify tuna and commit? First, we make a new tuna node, containing the latest text. The new node is not connected to anything yet, it's just hanging out there in space:

                        |F       |
                        |        |
                        |        |

Next, we create a new revision of its parent directory:

                |D       |
                |        |
                | tuna   |
                   |F       |
                   |        |
                   |        |

We continue up the line, creating a new revision of the next parent directory:

             |D       |
             |        |
             | fish   |
                |D       |
                |        |
                | tuna   |
                   |F       |
                   |        |
                   |        |

Now it gets more tricky: we need to create a new revision of the root directory. This new root directory needs an entry to point to the “new” directory A, but directory B hasn't changed at all. Therefore, our new root directory also has an entry that still points to the old directory B node!

       ___|_____             ________
      |D        |           |D       |
      |         |           |        |
      |   A     |           |   A    |
      |    \    |           |    \   |
      |   B \   |           |   B \  |
      |__/___\__|           |__/___\_|
        /     \               /     \
       |    ___\_____________/       \
       |   /    \                     \
    ___|__/   ___\____              ___\____
   |D      | |D       |            |D       |
   |       | |        |            |        |
   |       | | fish   |            | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|            |___\____|
                  \                     \
                   \                     \
                 ___\____              ___\____
                |D       |            |D       |
                |        |            |        |
                | tuna   |            | tuna   |
                |___\____|            |___\____|
                     \                     \
                      \                     \
                    ___\____              ___\____
                   |F       |            |F       |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |________|            |________|

Finally, after all our new nodes are written, we finish the “bubble up” process by linking this new tree to the next available revision in the history array. In this case, the new tree becomes revision 2 in the repository.

          |        \
          |         \__________
       ___|_____             __\_____
      |D        |           |D       |
      |         |           |        |
      |   A     |           |   A    |
      |    \    |           |    \   |
      |   B \   |           |   B \  |
      |__/___\__|           |__/___\_|
        /     \               /     \
       |    ___\_____________/       \
       |   /    \                     \
    ___|__/   ___\____              ___\____
   |D      | |D       |            |D       |
   |       | |        |            |        |
   |       | | fish   |            | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|            |___\____|
                  \                     \
                   \                     \
                 ___\____              ___\____
                |D       |            |D       |
                |        |            |        |
                | tuna   |            | tuna   |
                |___\____|            |___\____|
                     \                     \
                      \                     \
                    ___\____              ___\____
                   |F       |            |F       |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |________|            |________|

Generalizing on this example, you can now see that each “revision” in the repository history represents a root node of a unique tree (and an atomic commit to the whole filesystem.) There are many trees in the repository, and many of them share nodes.

Many nice behaviors come from this model:

  1. Easy reads. If a filesystem reader wants to locate revision X of file foo.c, it need only traverse the repository's history, locate revision X's root node, then walk down the tree to foo.c.

  2. Writers don't interfere with readers. Writers can continue to create new nodes, bubbling their way up to the top, and concurrent readers cannot see the work in progress. The new tree only becomes visible to readers after the writer makes its final “link” to the repository's history.

  3. File structure is versioned. Unlike CVS, the very structure of each tree is being saved from revision to revision. File and directory renames, additions, and deletions are part of the repository's history.

Let's demonstrate the last point by renaming the tuna to book.

We start by creating a new parent “fish” directory, except that this parent directory has a different dir_entry, one which points the same old file node, but has a different name:

          |        \
          |         \__________
       ___|_____             __\_____
      |D        |           |D       |
      |         |           |        |
      |   A     |           |   A    |
      |    \    |           |    \   |
      |   B \   |           |   B \  |
      |__/___\__|           |__/___\_|
        /     \               /     \
       |    ___\_____________/       \
       |   /    \                     \
    ___|__/   ___\____              ___\____
   |D      | |D       |            |D       |
   |       | |        |            |        |
   |       | | fish   |            | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|            |___\____|
                  \                     \
                   \                     \
                 ___\____              ___\____      ________
                |D       |            |D       |    |D       |
                |        |            |        |    |        |
                | tuna   |            | tuna   |    | book   |
                |___\____|            |___\____|    |_/______|
                     \                     \         /
                      \                     \       /
                    ___\____              ___\____ /
                   |F       |            |F       |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |________|            |________|

From here, we finish with the bubble-up process. We make new parent directories up to the top, culminating in a new root directory with two dir_entries (one points to the old “B” directory node we've had all along, the other to the new revision of “A”), and finally link the new tree to the history as revision 3:

          |        \        \_________________
          |         \__________               \
       ___|_____             __\_____        __\_____
      |D        |           |D       |      |D       |
      |         |           |        |      |        |
      |   A     |           |   A    |      |   A    |
      |    \    |           |    \   |      |    \   |
      |   B \   |           |   B \  |      |   B \  |
      |__/___\__|           |__/___\_|      |__/___\_|
        /  ___________________/_____\_________/     \
       |  / ___\_____________/       \               \
       | / /    \                     \               \
    ___|/_/   ___\____              ___\____      _____\__
   |D      | |D       |            |D       |    |D       |
   |       | |        |            |        |    |        |
   |       | | fish   |            | fish   |    | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|            |___\____|    |___\____|
                  \                     \             \
                   \                     \             \
                 ___\____              ___\____      ___\____
                |D       |            |D       |    |D       |
                |        |            |        |    |        |
                | tuna   |            | tuna   |    | book   |
                |___\____|            |___\____|    |_/______|
                     \                     \         /
                      \                     \       /
                    ___\____              ___\____ /
                   |F       |            |F       |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |        |            |        |
                   |________|            |________|

For our last example, we'll demonstrate the way “tags” and “branches” are implemented in the repository.

In a nutshell, they're one and the same thing. Because nodes are so easily shared, we simply create a new directory entry that points to an existing directory node. It's an extremely cheap way of copying a tree; we call this new entry a clone, or more colloquially, a “cheap copy”.

Let's go back to our original tree, assuming that we're at revision 6 to begin with:

      |D        |
      |         |
      |   A     |
      |    \    |
      |   B \   |
        /     \
       |       \
       |        \
    ___|___   ___\____
   |D      | |D       |
   |       | |        |
   |       | | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|
                |D       |
                |        |
                | tuna   |
                   |F       |
                   |        |
                   |        |

Let's “tag” directory A. To make the clone, we create a new dir_entry T in our root, pointing to A's node:

          |        \
          |         \
       ___|_____   __\______
      |D        | |D        |
      |         | |         |
      |   A     | |    A    |
      |    \    | |    |    |
      |   B \   | |  B |  T |
      |__/___\__| |_/__|__|_|
        /     \    /   |  |
       |    ___\__/   /  /
       |   /    \    /  /
    ___|__/   ___\__/_ /
   |D      | |D       |
   |       | |        |
   |       | | fish   |
   |_______| |___\____|
                |D       |
                |        |
                | tuna   |
                   |F       |
                   |        |
                   |        |

Now we're all set. In the future, the contents of directories A and B may change quite a lot. However, assuming we never make any changes to directory T, it will always point to a particular pristine revision of directory A at some point in time. Thus, T is a tag.

(In theory, we can use some kind of authorization system to prevent anyone from writing to directory T. In practice, a well-laid out repository should encourage “tag directories” to live in one place, so that it's clear to all users that they're not meant to change.)

However, if we do decide to allow commits in directory T, and now our repository tree increments to revision 8, then T becomes a branch. Specifically, it's a branch of directory A which shares history with A up to a certain point, and then “broke off” from the main line at revision 8.

Diffy Storage

You may have been thinking, “Gee, this bubble up method seems nice, but it sure wastes a lot of space. Every commit to the repository creates an entire line of new directory nodes!”

Like many other revision control systems, Subversion stores changes as differences. It doesn't make complete copies of nodes; instead, it stores the latest revision as a full text, and previous revisions as a succession of reverse diffs (the word "diff" is used loosely here – for files, it means vdeltas, for directories, it means a format that expresses changes to directories).


For the initial release of Subversion,

  • The filesystem will be implemented as a library on Unix.

  • The filesystem's data will probably be stored in a collection of .db files, using the Berkeley Database library. (In the future, of course, contributors are free modify the Subversion filesystem to operate with more powerful SQL database.) (For more information, see

Repository Library

A Subversion repository is a directory that contains a number of components:

  • a versioned filesystem (typically a collection of .db files)

  • some hook scripts (for executing before or after commits)

  • a locking area (used by Berkeley DB or other processes)

  • a configuration area (for changing global behaviors)

The Subversion filesystem is just that: a filesystem. But it's also useful to provide an API that acts at the level of the repository. The repository library (libsvn_repos) does this.

In particular, it wraps a few libsvn_fs routines, such as those for beginning and ending commits, so that hook-scripts can run. A pre-commit-hook script might check for a valid log message, and a post-commit-hook script might send an email to a mailing list.

Additionally, the repository library provides convenience routines for examining and manipulating the filesystem. For example, a routine to generate a tree-delta by comparing two revisions, routines for constructing new transactions, routines for querying log messages, and routines for exporting and importing filesystem data.

License — Copyright

Copyright © 2000-2008 Collab.Net. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are also available at If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a newer version instead, at your option.