
svn propedit — Edit the property of one or more items under version control. See svn propset later in this chapter.


svn propedit PROPNAME TARGET...
svn propedit PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET]


Edit one or more properties using your favorite editor. The first form edits versioned properties in your working copy, and the second edits unversioned remote properties on a repository revision (TARGET determines only which repository to access).

Alternate names

pedit, pe


Working copy; repository only if operating on a URL

Accesses repository

Only if operating on a URL


--editor-cmd CMD
--encoding ENC
--file (-F) FILENAME
--message (-m) MESSAGE
--revision (-r) REV
--with-revprop ARG


svn propedit makes it easy to modify properties that have multiple values:

$ svn propedit svn:keywords  foo.c 
    <svn will launch your favorite editor here, with a buffer open
    containing the current contents of the svn:keywords property.  You
    can add multiple values to a property easily here by entering one
    value per line.>
Set new value for property 'svn:keywords' on 'foo.c'